February 2019

  • John Parker

    As a budding writer and editor for the DMsGuild, I rely on the DMs Guild Creator Resources available on DMsGuild.com. As an editor, in particular, the Style Guide Resources are essential to perform my job. If you are doing similar work and have not downloaded these resources, stop reading now and invest your time in downloading the latest version and committing it to memory. If you are like me, the last version of the “D&D Style Guide: Writing and Editing” you probably downloaded was version 1.04a (which was what was available when I checked for updates in mid-February).

  • Game Master

    After several months of having just a place-holder page up, we have finally relaunched the website on an upgraded platform. Given the monumental effort to complete this and the many projects we have in progress, we have focused on restoring website function and the 5 years of existing content (at least the most popular content).

    New to the site is a listing of our Services so it is clearer how we might engage with you on your next writing or game production project. We will also start highlighting some of our recent and current projects on the Projects page.

  • John Parker

    DMs Guildhall is a Twitch.TV podcast about RPG design hosted by Travis Legge of Plastic Age Plays and Aegis Studios. Travis interviews community content creators for the ever-growing number of RPG system content communities. Cooperative publishing of community content has been working well for Wizards of the Coast at the DMsGuild and is becoming available for many platforms. The community of designers interviewed and systems discussed on the DMs Guildhall is growing as well.

    The interview and conversation is open and casual, but Travis asks great questions and gets insightful answers from his guests. Note: As a casual discussion, there may be mature language, but Travis and guests are always respectful of their fellow designers, the RPG community, and the breadth of humanity in general.

    If you are interested at all in RPG design, this is essential content. In particular, if you are new to the industry you will appreciate Travis' final question of his guest in all episodes, "What would you like to see available that, for whatever reason, you won't get around to creating it yourself?"

  • John Parker

    In November, I started offering services to the RPG design and development community, particularly the community content creators that publish on the OneBookShelf (OBS) platform. I have had the pleasure of contributing to several projects that have been or are in progress to be posted on the OBS RPG publishing sites DMsGuild (D&D 5E only) and DriveThruRPG (anything RPG). The content there can be available for free, “pay what you want”, or for a fee.

    To date, my completed contributions have been primarily as editor and/or proofreader but writing and design projects are in progress. Here is an example of the types of projects: Orpheus Mission Reports Volume 1. I am involved in several other projects and will highlight them as they are published.

  • John Parker

    Calculated Risks: An Eberron Adventure is an actual play podcast set in the world of Eberron using D&D 5th Edition. Starring R P Davis, Alina Popescu, Mike Suteu, and featuring Dungeon Master Travis Legge. Watch LIVE on Twitch Fridays 10 am CST. Twitch.tv/plasticageplays

    I am pleased to be writing the promotional copy for Calculated Risks: An Eberron Adventure. For Season 1, I have written an introduction to the adventure and characters and a season-level synopsis. These are complete and episodic promotional content for Season 2 is in progress (e.g., “previously on”, synopsis, and full summary).