Mork Borg

Sacrifice DriveThru Product Image
Creative Role

Galgenbeck: Sacrifice is a Mörk Bork adventure by Christian Eichhorn, with editing by John Parker.

The sun vanished behind a black disk months or years ago—who could tell. Now, a comet plows across the sky, leaving behind a trail of bloody pieces. The Galgenbecker people are confused, incited, whipped into a frenzy. So many innocent dangle from the trees. The stank lures in the ravens and worse.

Half of Galgenbeck's population is gone. Most have fallen to Josilfa's scythe. The city seems eerily empty, but nobody notices the citizens' absence. Galgenbeck was always half empty. All
is as it should be.

This is a multi-session adventure about ritualistic, human sacrifice. To stave off destruction and appease Nechrubel, who rides a comet across the sky, Josilfa beheads the unwanted. Since the sacrifices not only vanish from the world but also from the memories of those who are left behind, the characters may forget about their mission and themselves.

Product Type
Purgatory A Mörk Borg Supplement Product Image
Creative Role

Welcome to Purgatory

Purgatory is a Mörk Bork adventure by Christian Eichhorn, with editing by John Parker.

Death comes for all. Death comes in myriad, pitiless ways. The tip of a sword, the fall from a tree, the wild growth in the guts. After death, the suffering continues. Corroding purification in
purgatory, followed by torture in hell or eternal loneliness in heaven.

Inside this supplement, you'll find 100 travel encounters, six new classes, skills to expand your characters, and three adventure locations. One of these locations is Purgatory, where the characters go once they are dead. If they play their cards right, they might return.

Product Type
Temple of the Kraken God Product Image
Creative Role

To the east lies GRIFT. Further east still lies nothing but the Endless Sea.
That has been true for as long as people can remember. From the highest of GRIFT's awful towers, Kloderich, who wanted to end his sorry life, spotted a black isle on the horizon.
Royal telescopers pan their tools to measure and catalog. A discovery! Some crooked structure rises from the bluffs. What may it be, what secrets does it hold?
The rocky oddity, abomination, and dead-sure salvation lures.

The Temple of the Kraken God is a Mörk Bork adventure by Christian Eichhorn, with editing by John Parker.

Board a ship to explore a newly risen island. Become corrupted beyond your wildest dreams and bath in parasitic ecstasy. The Kraken welcomes you to the KULT.

Product Type
Vaults of Torment DriveThru Product Image
Creative Role

The Vaults of Torment is a modular dungeon for Mörk Borg. Explore a demon-infested hell-hole below the city of Schleswig. Summon creatures of dread to kill foolish adventurers and zombified prisoners. New monsters, items, Powers, and more.

This product is presented to you by author Christian Eichhorn and editor John Parker. You can contact me via mail ( or via Twitter (@squirrelgolem).

Vaults of Torment is an independent production by Christian Eichhorn and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.

Product Type